Thank you for your giving and donation toward the work of God. Agape Church Burnaby is a Charitable Society registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). All donation and giving will be receipted. Your donation will be directed towards advancing the purpose, mission and values of our church as we seek to lead people to a deeper relationship with God and reaching people with the love of God in our communities and beyond.
Two Ways You Can Give
1. Give online with PayPal
Simply click on the “PayPal” button below and you’ll be taken to where you can enter your Credit Card information. Debit Cards with expiry date and CVV number may also be used. Before filling your Credit Card information there is a blank box, “Write a note(optional),” please specify what area the donation is for – general tithe, offerings, missions, others. There is also a question asking you to fill your phone number and email so that they could send you a receipt, acknowledging your donation and giving.
2. Give with E-Transfer
Royal Bank
TD Bank